A Number Poses the Question, “What is the Value of Human Life?”

Featuring Ward G. Smith and Anthony Gervais, A Number is a two-man production that opens with a father and son (Smith and Gervais, respectively) embroiled in a heated debate. The father, Salter, is furious that a medical institution appears to have surreptitiously cloned his son, and that “a number” of others are now wandering the country, each believing himself to be “the one”. At it’s very core the play is about our desire to be unique, for our lives to have meaning, for our imperfect minds and bodies to somehow achieve perfect ends, If we had a do-over, could we atone for our mistakes? What is the value of a human life? What is the source of our individuality?

A Number runs from Friday, Nov 10th thru Nov 20th. Learn more and purchase tickets at https://studiograndcentral.com/tickets/ola/services/a-number-nov-10th-20th-early-booking-discounted-price

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